Join me on the road and online
Going forward.

May 14, 2020
Interview. With Dr. Miriam Nyhan, director of Glucksman Ireland House, New York University. ZOOM presentation.
July 25, 2020
Presentor. "The Story Beyond the Name."Join author Dedria Humphries Barker as she shares her research into Irish great-grandmother's story in Mother of Orphans. 2pm Ohio History Center, Columbus, Ohio. via ZOOM
August 20,2020
6pm East Lansing Public Library. Book talk: Access to health care is one of the main parallels between the early 20th century when Mother of Orphans starts and today's COVID19 era. via ZOOM.
February 22, 2020
Special guest speaker at the Lansing Area African American Genealogy Society, 2020 Winter Genealogy Conference. It's from 10am to 3:15pm on Saturday February 22, 2020, at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 500 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Free registration by February 15. You can also pre-order my book, Mother of Orphans: The True and Curious Story of Irish Alice, a Colored Man's Widow. I will be signing books. Registration is free and lunch is free as well. Register today at or call 517-449-8279.
July 2019
7 pm Sunday July 21 Poets in Pajamas, a Sundress Publications series. Join me for a 15-minute live reading immediately followed by Q&A on the Poets in Pajamas Facebook page.
October 2019 -- Postponed
Noon Saturday, October 26 Ohio History Center, Columbus, Ohio. Presentation: "The Story Beyond the Name."
April 2019
6 Rally of Writers. Join me for my session, Abracadabra: The Magic of Research. Lansing, Michigan, Lansing Community College, West Campus